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Chapter 29: AI in Education - Design for Inclusion

  Chapter 29: AI in Education - Design for Inclusion Date/Time: 17th Sep 2024 - Wednesday , 3:30 pm Sharing some thoughts on AI in education. I think AI has an imminent role to play in education. And AI can definitely help us as educators to create learning experiences that can benefit all kinds of learners. Usually educators are observed as using chatGPT to get access to ready made lesson plans or additional knowledge about a topic. Most people including me are also not aware of the vast functionality of chatGPT. I remember exploring chatGPT while writing one of the articles about chatGPT. It could find information on a topic, it could save the chat, it could summarise the information and maybe analyse to some extent. It could give you ideas on how to teach a topic. It could provide you with lesson plans with objectives, activities and methodology. I don't know if chatGPT could analyse your lesson plan and tell you which areas need to change because it may not lead to an effective
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Chapter 28: Designing for Inclusion - Exploring the POUR Principles

  Chapter 28: Designing for Inclusion - Exploring the POUR Principles Date/Time: 17th Sep 2024 Wednesday , 2:34 am It has been an interesting ride exploring the third module of the ISTEU online course "Designing for Inclusion ". Sharing key points from the module. Numerous times  during the course I have wondered about how AI could be used to benefit the learners in the classroom that might be different or have difficulty in learning. These questions in this module made me think deeper. How could information be presented to them in a way that can be easily read, seen or heard? or how could information be presented to them in a way that can be understood easily? or how could information be presented to them that they could navigate easily without any difficulty. These questions are all related to the UDL representation principle. The module also introduces the concept of "accessibility" - how to make information accessible to learners with difficulty. The module ment

Chapter 27: Designing for Inclusion - Exploring Funds of Knowledge

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Chapter 26: Design for Inclusion - Exploring Intersectionality

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Chapter 25: Designing for Inclusion - UDL & Strategies supporting variability

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Chapter 24: Designing for Inclusion - Exploring barriers to learning for learners with disability - Part 2

Chapter 24: Designing for Inclusion - Exploring barriers to learning for learners with disability - Part 2 Date/Time: 5th September 2024 , Friday 7:38 pm Sharing some important learning points from the ISTE Course online "Design for Inclusion" module 1. There was an interesting image shared with 3 different individuals who had limb issues. The task asks you to discuss barriers to learning. Each of the individuals who have limb issues will suffer in some way. They might have writing issues, writing speed may be affected, shifting between multiple tabs can be difficult, creating slideshow or presentation will be challenging, coding or programming tasks may also have issues. Carrying devices and textbooks may also be a challenge and support may be required to do usual chores. There was an interesting video where a writer Sinead Burke talks about how her short height is seen as a disability and the problems she encounters on a daily basis. The simplest being the design of un acce

Chapter 23: Designing for Inclusion - Exploring learner variability and jaggedness! Part 1

Chapter 23: Designing for Inclusion - Exploring learner variability and jaggedness! Part 1 Date/Time: 4th September 2024 Wednesday, 4:02 am My key takeaways from the module 1 of the online ISTE course on "Design for Inclusion". Now this was an interesting dive into the course and there were new concepts for me and some needed revision. I really like the concept of Learner Variability,  and the way the instructor explains through examples, it sounds like giving respect to learners who might be unique or different in any way. An example in a video shared talks about the fingerprints being all different and we all know that none of us has similar fingerprints. It is actually the same as having a class of 30 diverse learners coming from varying backgrounds and each is different. The term "Jaggedness" was new for me but quite intriguing. There is an interesting example shared by Todd Rose about two learners having the same IQ level but being different in varying aspects