Exploring - Buncee Date: 10th Oct 2018/Wednesday This blogpost is inspired from my recent dive into Buncee - a super cool tool for content creation - from creating interactive and animated presentations to digital stories flyers, comic strips, animated cards, tutorials, newsletters and much much more. The blog post will give you a virtual walk through of the important features of this tool called Buncee, with an insight of how and where could this tool be used effectively and meaningfully to engage learners/educators. Lets begin by exploring why do we need to create presentations? Obviously to share information, share ideas, promote a product or launch a new initiative, create awareness, check understanding, to inspire and motivate people, to instruct or teach a topic, deliver a lecture, to engage the audience and so on. Have you ever thought of using presentations to cater to the differentiated needs of the learners in the classroom? Have you ever thought of crea...