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Why Schools Need EdTECH Managers?

Why Schools Need EdTech Managers?
Date: 26th August 2016

This blog post is supposed to highlight the role Education Technology Manager/Specialists can play in schools, the impact they can create and why without these species education sector cannot survive. With so much technology being introduced in schools, universities and colleges, even at home, someone is needed to assist in using these devices appropriately and as effectively as possible. Otherwise the millions spent on these devices will go in vain.

Let’s begin by first exploring what learning is all about and how these technology resources can enhance the learning experiences of learners in classroom. Why is education technology important in schools? Different theorists have shared their point of view regarding the impact education technology has on learning. Theorist Seymour Pappert said that technology should help children experience knowledge and construct meanings, he developed logo which helped develop mathematical skills.  Jerome Bruner who was a constructivist theorist thought learning was an active process in which learners build new ideas and concepts based on past experiences.  Technology could be used not only to link learning to prior experiences but create active learning experiences for learners. Software like Community Construction Kit, Logo, Inspiration, 2Simple all help create meaningful active learning experiences for learners. Piaget had shared that schemas exist in brains and these are modified by the processes of assimilation and accommodation. In assimilation, new information is incorporated into pre-existing schemas and in accommodation existing schemas are altered or new schemas are formed with new experiences. Technology can help create such experiences which can modify these schemas and create new ones.

Howard Gardener shared the theory of Multiple Intelligences, he described nine different aspects or types of intelligence's that every person possesses. People can learn by doing things, by seeing things or may be by listening things, he categorized people as audile learners, visual learners or kinesthetic learners. Technology can assist these multiple intelligences in different ways for example learners could create podcasts of important topics (related to language, culture etc.) and share with wider audience using social networks. Visual learners could use the multimedia technology to view and analyses processes like how the heart functions? Chemical and molecular reactions in chemistry, atomic structure etc abstract processes that cannot be understood otherwise. Similarly people can use Lego Kits to create different structures like robots that can assist in different tasks like constructing roads etc during the process they will end up using their thinking skills. 

Judy Lever-Duffy writes in his book Teaching and learning with Technology that “equipment is simply a tool. It extends the reach of the teacher and learner. We can do more, and we can do it better, by using these tools, if we use them at the right time, in the right way and for the right purpose. “ISTE’s project called National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS.T) is part of the Preparing Tomorrows Teachers to use Technology (PT3) grant program sponsored by the US Department of Education.  The NETS.T project states, “the world is different, kids are different…learning is different... And teaching must be different too. Today’s classroom teachers must be prepared to provide technology supported learning opportunities for their students” (NETS.T, 2002)

It is very important that teachers who use technology understand this, this is not possible without appropriate training. It takes years to build an understanding regarding effective use of technology. It is important for teachers to decide when to use technology. Different models for effective integration of technology have been introduced in recent years that help teachers in developing more age appropriate and meaningful learning experiences using technology. These include the SAMR model by Dr Ruben Puendetra and Digital Blooms Taxonomy of cognitive domains. These are extremely helpful tools when teachers are planning activities.

Both subject teachers and class teachers have their own specific roles, their tasks and duties defined, they cannot be given an additional role of planning with technology. Schools need someone who can

  • ·   make appropriate choices about technology systems, resources and services,  

  • ·       assess the availability of technology resources at the school site,

  • ·      assist in designing developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. 

  • ·     Share current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. 

  • ·     share a variety of instructional strategies and grouping strategies that include appropriate embedded assessment for meeting the diverse needs of learners, 

  • ·       manage and organize technology resources, 

  • ·     identify capabilities and limitations of current and emerging  technology resources and assess the potential of these systems and services to address personal, lifelong learning and work place needs, 

  • ·       enforce classroom procedures that guide students safe and healthy use of technology,

  • ·       advocate for equal access to technology for all students in school,  different communities and homes etc.

  • ·      Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. 

  • ·       Ensure teachers develop a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.

  • ·   Ensure teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. 

  • ·       Assist teachers in understanding social, legal, ethical and human issues related to use of technology in schools and apply that understanding in practice. 

  • ·       Ensure and enable teachers to use technology resources to enhance their productivity and professional practice. 

  • ·       Encourage and motivate teachers to use technology!!!! And the list is endless

So a single teacher in a school who already has loads of responsibility on her shoulders just cannot handle all this. Someone is needed in schools to assist teachers and school leaders in effective planning with technology, ensure smooth implementation, look into organizing and managing within available resources,  continually assess and evaluate practices of both students, teachers using technology.

Technology has become ubiquitous, it’s everywhere starting from your homes, to schools, to colleges, universities, work life etc. One needs to be well conversed in technology to actively participate in daily functions of life. It’s our job as educators now to prepare our student for a future which holds great potential for technology.

Google’s loon test project to provide internet access to people in remote areas, Facebook’s drone technology to provide internet access, worth billions spent on the robotics industry, software companies like Microsoft and Apple developing new apps and software, all point to a future where technology will dominate the job market, industry , academics and personal lives.

So it is important therefore that we start promoting effective use of technology in schools, so that both teachers and students develop a sound understanding of technology and start reflecting on their roles in future.  This is not possible without a key person in schools, who leads the way with technology!

Happy Reading and start thinking :)
Duffy, Lever and Mcdonald,B, 2008. Teaching and learning with Technology. Pearson and AB. Website address:


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