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Computer Games – Exploring the whys and why –not’s?

Computer Games – Exploring the whys and why –not’s?
Date:   4th May 2017/Thursday

This time my blog explores the whys and why – not’s of computer games whether online or offline. At times it worrying seeing kids glued to computer screens, the moment you intend to take away the device or exit the game one observes a defiant behavior. For the short term such change in behavior might not cause problems but for the longer I feel if not monitored might lead to serious concerns to kids health both physical, mental and emotional.

The blog is inspired from my personal experiences working with kids at an NGO. Their addiction to computer games, some change in behavior both towards elders and class fellows compelled me to remove the games from the tablets and explore some interesting
ones that lead to enhanced skills like creativity, innovation, team building, collaborating etc.

After hours of a surgical procedure on tablets, I was successfully able to disable and uninstall the useless games like SubwaySurf, CandyCrush, Angrybirds, Race, Racing Moto, InsideOut, Fishfarts, Smashit, Splash etc. These games as per my observations were making kids lose their temper quickly, resulted in loss of patience, increase in defiant behavior,  becoming unsocial, may be resulting in eye strain or pain in knuckles etc. 

While exploring some pros and cons on the internet about computer games I came across an interesting discussion where people with different gaming expertise had shared their opinions and to my astonishment were more or less similar to my own observations. As Ryuu Shun Hayashi, MMORPG full-completer, Wiki-editor, Theorycrafter (Jan 8, 2016) had responded in the comments, stating playing computer games does result in reduced patience to deal with situations where nothing changes at all, along with resulting in reduced tolerance for injustice. 

I agree a 100 percent to his explanation where he compares the real world to a gaming world where the results are pre-determined before based on individuals efforts, skills and abilities. As far as the real world is concerned success is not mainly due to the factors stated above but a lot is connected to an individual’s environmental factors, social context, interactions, and a number of other things. These virtual games are actually preparing kids for a world where fairness is guaranteed no matter what, which in completely in contrast to what the real world offers. Something which gaming programmers need to consider!

Frank Brown (Oct 7, 2016) a gaming specialist had similar observations, he further added that playing computer games results in fatigue, laziness, violence and addiction to games.  While skimming through an article online by Romeo Vitelli Ph.D (Media Spotlight) talks of several cases of video gaming addiction resulting in life imprisonment, etc. the worst case was a woman named Rebecca sent to jail for 25 years for letting her 3 old kid starve to death due to malnutrition since she was too busy playing world of war craft for hours. 

Another interesting read which builds and actually confirms playing violent video results in change in behaviour, this was written by Brad J. Bushman Ph.d (a professor at Ohio State University). He discusses three reason for this behaviour, first playing video games is active where watching a Tv, reading a book is passive, and we all know kids learn better by being actively involved in the process. Second, players tend to identify with violent characters, as compared to watching a violent TV movie, they are in control of the violent character. Third, which is I feel is the worst is that players are being rewarded for violent behavior. He further says that there is enough empirical data to prove that violent games are more harmful than TV programs (Polman et al., 2008). 
Instead I have tried to replace these with some interesting educational apps which are more creative, enhance decision making skills, provide an opportunity to collaborate, work in teams, discuss among pairs, lead to some progression, some challenge in activities, enhanced problem solving skills, extension in knowledge, ability to think most importantly. The results are not pre- determined, every individual completes the activities based on own understanding. Each one ends up with creating something unique like the construction games (Build a bridge, Construction game) or drawing games (Kids Doodle). 

Frank Brown in his comments in the article did also mention pros of computer games which include enhanced prediction skills, better reasoning and logic. It does also improve and enhance map reading skills where players need to understand the maps for their next movements. Games like Build a Bridge, Build a House, Little Architect, Treehouse Builder etc encourage thinking, creativity, decision making etc among kids.

While skimming through a research paper online “Pros and Cons of Computer Games” by Hani Morgan and Tracey S.Hodges, I came across research by different individuals who have reinforced that computer games foster learning and stimulate students. One such research shows that simulation games have the greatest potential to promote learning (Tanes & Cemalcilar, 2010) and that student prefer these games to conventional instruction (Charskey & Ressler, 2011).  The research further quotes that computer games those not even developed for educational purposes lead to enhanced hand and eye coordination, critical thinking skills and decision making skills (Tanes & Cemalcilar, 2010).

Another article on the pros and cons of computer games in education too reinforces the same belief and thinking. It further says games make learning more engaging, relevant and give students the agency which real textbooks cannot. Further games have immense potential for personalized learning, adaptive assessment, individualized and adaptive feedback (Fortune, 2011).  Mark Griffth in his research paper “The educational benefits of educational games” also states that playing computer games has resulted in reduction in reaction times, improved hand eye coordination and increased self-esteem. 

I completely agree to all these observations and remarks in different research papers, as my own observations with kids have shown similar findings. I think one of the reasons such games promote learning is that they match the way students learn, they give them the freedom to learn, try different ideas, explore and try several times without the teacher being interrupting. 

I have observed kids keenly engaged and engrossed while working on apps such as Kids Preschool puzzle lite, kids numbers and math, kids abc phonics lite, kids connect the dots, sprinkle islands, story jumper, city creator etc. Positive feedback at the end of every step further encourages the kids to move to higher and challenging levels.

Now, what needs to be considered is how to help kids overcome game addiction. A few things that could be done include:

·       Searching and exploring more appropriate interactive games
·       Engaging kids in social activities/encourage outdoor games
· Removing violent or useless games from the devices (uninstall/disable)
·       Limit the time children spend on devices
·       Disable uploading/downloading from internet
·       Check ratings and read reviews of apps before installing
·       Keep all devices in a family room
·       Watch over the kids shoulder and remove any objectionable content (games do have objectionable adds)
·       Set rules and time lines regarding gaming
·       Regularly discuss and participate in activities kids do online.
Happy Reading J
Sheeba Ajmal

1.       What are the pros and cons of video games?
         Website link:
       Accessed Online: 3rd May 2017
2.       Are video games addictive?
             Website link:
              Accessed Online: 4th May 2017
3.       The effect of violent video games: do they affect our behaviour?
               Accessed on 4th May 2017
4.       The pros and cons of computer games , Hani Morgan and Tracey S. Hodges


Accessed online: 4th May 2017
5.       Pros and Cons of video games in Education

Accessed online: 4th May 2017

6.       The educational benefits of video games, Mark Griffths
              Accessed Online: 4th May 2017
7.       Show and Tell for Parents – Pros and Cons of Video Games
Accessed Online: 4th May 2017


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