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Exploring the future of Future Classroom Labs in Pakistan

Exploring the future of Future Classroom Labs in Pakistan

Date: 22 June 2018/Friday

My blogpost this time is inspired from my recent dive into the Future Classroom Labs by the European Schoolnet and their 30 Ministries and various industry partners to rethink design, pedagogy and technology in classroom. My blog explores their work in detail and highlights why such a set up is needed in Pakistan, how can this be set up and who can be the driving force behind this, some suggested schools and partners to take up the initiative.

So lets begin by exploring what is actually the FCL Future Classroom Labs? The Future Classroom Labs is created by European Schoolnet and 30 ministries and industry partners to re-imagine and think teaching and learning in conventional classrooms, reorganize learning spaces that cater to the differentiated needs of diverse learners in a class. Classroom here is not a traditional four walled room but any area where learning takes place be it inside or outside school. Once you log on to the website, you can find a list of projects that the European Schoolnet is currently working on , which are linked to future classroom labs. These include Initial Teachers Education Labs ITELab which is a knowledge alliance project between higher education institutions and the industry. The purpose is to look at the disconnect between ITE and the professional development of teachers in schools, to innovate and integrate ICT in ITE curricula and prepare teachers for 21st century classrooms. 

Another interesting project is the Future Classroom Lab Regional Network FCL Regio, aiming to give more space to decision makers , support the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. The project basically aims to create future classroom scenarios and videos to assist and guide teachers, educators, policy makers, leaders in their efficient use of technology and innovative practices with pedagogy. 

Another interesting project is the Triseum Validation Pilot project basically looking at game based learning in schools.  It is currently looking at 2 games Variant Limits which aims to develop a better understanding of Calculus in schools by providing a 3D gaming environment where students get a chance to engage in an active learning experience and connect with the content at a deeper level. Another 3d game is the Arte Mecenas which takes the player into renaissance era in Italy in 15/16 century, assuming the role of a member of the banker/merchant family trying to balance relationships between powerful city states, merchant faction and catholic church etc. It  teaches students the connections that existed between economies and how these influenced art.

Another very interesting project is the Interactive Classroom Working Group ICWG involving 10 Education ministries (Austria,Finland, Italy,  Estonia, Norway, Lithuania, Portugal, Luxembourg and Switzerland). The project aims to look at common areas of concern, opportunity to share experiences, and look into policy issues related to integration of technology in the classrooms. The section consists of various videos of innovative pedagogical practices in classes from different schools. 

Another area ICWG is working on is the BYOD Bring Your own Device to school guide which is designed to assist school leaders, local education authorities and policy makers in the implementation of BYOD in schools, includes various approaches to implementation, a look into technical and human challenges, initial case studies and quick tips for teachers and schools. Another area ICWG is working on is Personalized learning which looks at different approaches to personalize learning, providing kids the opportunity to learn at own pace, make a choice of how and when to learn. One of the outcomes of this group is the Focus group of school leaders and  teachers who have developed innovative practice to use with kids. Another area the ICWG works on in developing Fablabs and makerspaces which looks at guidelines for schools to create such makerspaces.
The last area that the ICWG looks at is the Learning Space Design, school leaders, policy makers and teachers from 8 countries came together to come with a document which lays down the guidelines to set up flexible learning spaces. Diana Oblinger (2006) states that changed spaces are agents of change and that changed spaces will change practice". She further says that spaces designed decades ago do not reflect the needs of the kids today. The report further quotes a paper published by UNESCO Cynthia Luna Scott (2015) which talks about 21st century pedagogies such as flipped learning, collaborative learning, problem solving and project based learning which has compelled changes in the layout of the classrooms. The European schoolnet came up with the Future Classroom Labs consisting of 6 learning zones namely Investigate, Create, Present, Interact, Exchange and Develop, zones basically reflect what good teaching should be about, being connected, engaged and challenged. 

FCL also includes a list of courses for teachers, coordinators etc who want to improve their teaching and learning practices and engage into more innovative practices. These courses are offered at the Future Classroom Labs in Brussels which is an inspiring learning environment.

There are over 30 industry partners already supporting the Future Classroom Labs, companies get to showcase new ideas for learning spaces, innovative practices with technology etc some of these partners include Google for Education, Dell, Microsoft, IRIS Connect, Lego Education, MATLAB, Oracle, ACER, HP etc 

There are different ways to connect with the FCL, teachers can get access to training courses and resources, professional development opportunities, access to directory of learning activities etc, industry people can participate in European schoolnet projects, use FCL for own events, access to FCL validation service etc policy makers get to participate in strategic seminars, participate in future classroom scenario workshops etc. 

This detailed description of the Future Classroom Labs Initiative was important here so that people reading can sense the impact the project has on the teaching and learning taking place in European schools and why we need to adopt some projects , ideas, practices in Schools in Pakistan.

I strongly believe we have schools and different institutions in Pakistan which have the potential to initiate such amazing projects in collaboration with the government , and various industry partners. These schools, institutions are well equipped with human , financial and technical resources. We are looking at is a group of enthusiastic people, group of dynamic leaders who believe in  innovation  in teaching and learning and the important role of technology in driving this change across schools in Pakistan, companies or industry partners willing to share innovative ideas and resources, education ministry willing to fund such projects and take ownership. 

The first phase should be to come with a core idea about the initiative,a survey of the existing situation in schools in Pakistan,  followed by making a dedicated group to initiate something similar to Future Classroom Labs in Pakistan, identify institutions, key people, resources, agenda, timelines etc. The second phase should be to pilot any one of the above listed projects, we could begin by ICWG (Interactive Classroom Working Group) and choose an area to work on either developing approaches for personalized learning in collaboration with local, national and global partners, or choose to work on developing Fablabs and makerspaces in schools in Pakistan or come up with scenarios for implementing BYOD in schools in Pakistan

We can also choose to work on Initial Teacher Education Lab (ITELab) where higher education institutions can partner with schools to come up with professional development opportunities for teachers leading to research and Masters in Education, developing training schools in Universities, engaging teachers with university professor as mentors or  working on developing content to reduce the gap that exists between PD opportunities in school and the basic teacher education. 

We can also choose to work on the FCL Regio approach where teachers, policy makers, educators, leaders work towards developing a resource directory of  videos, scenarios, lessons, activities etc on a single platform easily accessible to all. 

Ideally If I were to choose my focused and dedicated group in Pakistan, the initial names would be schools like Beaconhouse and Edopia, a few government schools, higher education institutions like NUST, LUMS, IBA, and IMSciences, Education Ministry in Pakistan, in collaboration with International partners like Apple, Google for Education, LEGO Education, IRIS Connect, Microsoft, 3P learning, INTEL, Harvard Graduate School of Education, OneWorldClassrooms, UNESCO and online learning partners Khans Academy, ALO Finland, GEC , iEARN and Participate.

There is no doubt that the education sector in Pakistan needs a transformation , there is a mass difference between education imparted in public and private schools. A report by Alif Ailan published last year presented a devastating picture of public schools in Peshawar KPK only. Projects like Future Classroom Labs might be a huge break through at all levels.  Small pilot projects could be initiated to ensure innovative teaching and learning practices at all levels.

Worth thinking! Signing out till my next blog post which explores the The Future Classroom Toolkit by FCL and how can we use the toolkit in Pakistan.

Enjoy Reading :)

Regards and prayers
Sheeba Ajmal


1. European Schoolnet
Accessed Online on 22nd June 2018

2. Triseum Validation Pilot
Accessed Online on 22nd June 2018

3. Arte Mecenas
Accessed Online on June 22, 2018.

4. BYOD Bring Your Own Device
Accessed Online 22nd June 2018.

5. Learning Space Design
Accessed Online 22nd June 2018

6. Rethinking Teaching and Learning
Accessed Online 22nd June 2018.

7. Report Disappointing picture of Peshawar Public Schools
Accessed Online 10th May 2018.


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