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Enhanced Learning Environment - ELE

Enhanced Learning Environment - ELE

I believe technology has the power to transform lives of the learner in the classroom. Nobody would disagree with the notion that technology has deeply impacted our lives, the way we communicate, the way we teach and the way we learn. This belief got strengthened with the introduction of various education technology tools in the early year classroom in our school, Beaconhouse School System, Northern Region, where we initiated a pilot project titled "Enhanced Learning Environment - ELE" last year, 2013 in 12 of our branches.
Under this project early year classrooms were equipped with numerous technology tools like Multimedia projectors, 10 inch Intel android tablets (6 per section), All in one PC, Printer, Scanner and digital camera. A team of teachers and coordinators was formed who had to explore relevant and meaningful apps on the internet to meet the curriculum needs. Once a resource bank of apps was developed, these were then installed on the tablets. Team had to then focus on developing lesson plans embedding these resources to make the learning experiences for learners in the classroom more engaging, meaningful and interactive. These lesson plans were uploaded and shared on a professional learning community for ease of access to all. Various training sessions were conducted to ensure a smooth implementation in schools.
One year after a successful implementation I cant stop myself from agreeing to the notion of ubiquitous computing coined by Mark Weizer(1988). I do feel and see technology seamlessly woven into the fabric of our daily lives as envisioned by him. His visioned has turned into reality. We eat, sleep and dream technology. Our learners have 24/7 access to tools such as computers, ipad, laptops, mobiles, touch phones, numerous gaming devices etc.I pads and tablets have emerged as the most exciting and powerful tools that i feel have impacted the learning and teaching in schools. Our learners are born with this technology. They have access to these tools both at home and in school. They are our digital natives, as coined by Mark Prensky(2001).
My support visits to schools over the year, a number of classroom observations reflects this amazing level of comfort and ease with which the learners can use the various tools to navigate, explore, create , collaborate etc. I have observed learners thoroughly engaged and motivated while using technology to accomplish their tasks like playing an on online game or attempting a quiz, reading interactive stories, creating a digital story using an interactive app, composing music using apps etc. They have had the opportunity to learn at their own pace, using a variety of mediums, work through trial and error. Every facet of life, every small task, every dream seems incomplete without technology. Seymour Papert promised that technology in schools would someday be as common as paper and pencils.
Alan Kay had predicted years back, the impact of printing and computers would only make a difference in peoples lives if they were universally available which he equated with availability and affordability. Since now every individual, anywhere has access to these resources his vision has come to fruition.
Mark Prensky (2001) rightly talks of a language that our digital natives speak which is very different to their instructors who speak an outdated language. I completely agree with him and I feel this dire need to train ourselves (digital immigrants) to communicate to our learners in a language which is acceptable and understandable by our digital natives. My observations do reflect this, since teachers found it a little difficult to communicate with learners in a different language. Various skill based trainings were planned based on the needs identified by teachers.
ACOT (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow) was a research study initiated by Apple in 1985 and and which sustained through 1995, with a purpose to see how routine use of technology by teachers and students changed teaching and learning in classrooms, the study yielded amazing results. This research indicated that technology is a catalyst for change, encourages different interactions among pupil’s teachers etc, engaging students in higher order cognitive tasks and prompting teachers to re-think of their older teaching assumptions.
It was encouraging to see similar findings during our ELE project. Good interaction among both learners and teachers has been observed during this period, teachers were able to design a few challenging tasks integrating ICT, increased motivation was observed, improved attitude toward learning was reflected , overall i think it has triggered a change in the traditional teaching and learning methodologies. A positive shift was clearly visible in the mindsets of teachers which i feel is a good turning point. Still I feel a lot needs to be done in the coming years.
Justin Reich rightly says, "Technology does not magically change a teachers practice. You can have students to use the i-pads the same way they once used slate boards. But what new technology like tablets or laptops can do is open new avenues for conversation. In every school where every child has a portable, multimedia creation device, what can we do differently, what is possible now, that was not possible before?".
The above question raised by Justin Reich is a food for thought for all of us. I feel we need to work towards creating learning environments for our learners where they get the opportunity to engage in meaningful learning experiences.

Sheeba Ajmal
RETC Northern Region
Beaconhouse School System


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